Click on Icons to go to these websites

Department of

Veterans affairs

John D. Dingell

VA Medical Center - Detroit

LTC Charles S. Kettles

VA Medical Center - Ann Arbor

If you have visited the above websites and have not found answers to your questions, or had difficulties sorting through the vast amount of information published, we recommended the next best option. Log on to the VA Veteran Facilitator website where you can type in a question and have an On-line Facilitator assist you. Click on the " Start a Chat with Me" selection on the lower right corner of the welcome screen.

Consider joining the group as there maybe someone there that has already experienced the same problem as you, and as a bonus you will receive a weekly Newsletter.

You may also want to check into the Veterans Coffee Hour Zoom chat room which meets every Thursday afternoon at 4pm.

            Ed Ruckle, Retired United States Air Force
Ed Ruckle, Retired United States Air Force

Hello, and welcome to Veteran Facilitator, a website for Helping Veterans keep current on the latest VA programs and technologies used by the VA. Programs and technologies designed specifically to improve Veteran Patient Experience and customer. Our website is always being updated for our Veterans, so make sure you JOIN THE TEAM to stay current.

The VA Facilitator website was created and maintained by Ed Ruckle, assisted by AMVET Post 2006 member Henry Storm.

Veterans Coffee Hour Chat Room

Meets every Thursday at 4:pm

IMG 9450