Milford Annual Christmas Parade - November
AMVET'S Color Guard for the annual Milford Christmas Parade.

Amvets at the USMC Birthday Ball - November
Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing - June 18, 2014

Flag Day Fundraiser 2014 - June
June 14, 2014 A Great Day
U.S. Army Birthday, Flag Day and perfect weather. It was a great day for Huron Valley AMVETS Post 2006.
This was the day for our annual fundraising event. From 0800hrs until 1930hrs members of our Post stood on Main Street in downtown Milford distributing approximately 2,400 small American Flags. While the final amount is not as yet totaled, it appears that the event should generate over $3,000.00 in donations.
The funds will be used to support the operations and other activities that our Post is involved in. In addition, we shared many wonderful experiences with thousands of people driving thru town from far and near, many times sharing brief stories of their lives or the lives of their family members, as well as their spirit of patriotism.
We were also able to meet many new veterans, young and old. As is always are mission, the invitation was to given to them, with great enthusiasm and sincerity, to attend one of our meetings and to meet and make new friends.
In closing, I want to personally thank the following individuals who, because of their efforts, a great fun-filled and productive day was had by everyone. Starting with Jerry Mantela, who prepared the signs and built the foundation for the display of our large American Flag. Jerry was up early and arrived on site around 0730 hrs and stayed right thru until 1930 hrs in rotating shifts. Other members were Roger Brooks, Mike Willinghanz, Henry Storm, Warren Johnson, Dave Sisson, Frank Kidd and Bonnie Welbaum.
I also spent most of the day assisting as needed in the rotations until the very end at which time we ran completely out of flags. Our ace photographer “Jane” was also on site and took several action photos.
Today, we did well. We lived our Motto, “Have fun and do good things”.
Joseph M. Salvia, Commander
Movie Night

2014 American Veterans (AMVETS) State Convention - June 6

Back Row, Huron Valley American Veterans Post 2006 Color Guard
Front Row, Department of Michigan Executive Board Members