Oakman Hurd

December 18, 2019
To the Members of Huron Valley AMVETS Post 2006
With great sadness I write to inform you that one of our members, Oakman Hurd, passed away on December 15, 2019 in Gaylord, MI.
Our 1st Vice-Commander, Jack Weber was a very close friend with Oakman and provided just a few of many details of his life and experiences. He was born and raised in Bangor, Maine. He was in the U.S. Army serving two tours in Vietnam and was a Silver Star recipient. He retired from the Army holding the rank of Major. When in Germany he was a flight instructor and a commercial pilot.
He served as a Town Manager in Maine. When living in Highland Michigan, he was very active in the community and was an amateur radio operator holding the callsign of K800L. He was a member of our AMVET post, the VFW Post 9914 and the Milford American Legion. He served on many boards when living in Atlanta, Michigan.
A memorial service is tentatively scheduled on April 25, 2020 at the VFW Post 9914 in Highland, MI. Additional details will be sent out as they are received from the family. Oakman was a great man, great soldier and a great friend!!! He will be greatly missed………….
Joseph M. Salvia, Commander
Huron Valley American Veterans
AMVETS Post 2006
August Meeting at the Lazy J Ranch

Senior Veterans at the Highland House

The Highland House hosted a luncheon for Post 2006 Senior Veterans on Saturday August 17th at 12 noon. A large variety of menu items was served to the guests. Thanks to the owner, manager, and servers who made sure we were taken good care of. Thanks also to Gordie Muir for organizing this event.
Election Results
Commander: Joseph M. Salvia
1st Vice Commander: Jack Weber
2nd Vice Commander: Michael Willihnganz
Adjutant: Thomas Neff
Finance Officer: Roger Brooks
Chaplain: Jerry Mantela
Provost Marshall: Robert Matheson
Judge Advocate: Dennis Powers
Public Relations: Gordon Muir
Service Officer: David Wagner
Historian: Larry Shaver
Dave Sisson
Frank Kidd
Dave Fredericksen
Photographers : Jack and Jane Purslow
Facility Host: Chris Baker, Bakers of Milford
75th Wedding anniversary of Frank and Annamarie Quinlan

Post member Frank Quinlan and his wife Annamarie just celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary. In their 90’s this couple participates in many of our Post activities such as the recent Flag Day fundraiser. Navy Frank supports our Color Guard and various other public service events every chance he gets. We are honored to have Frank and Annamarie as part of our Post.
New Hudson Kite Festival Color Guard

Memorial Day AMVETS Member Participants
AMVETS Post 2006 Banquet
Guest Speaker, Captain Gerry Young USNR (Ret.)
Entertainment by the “Whatabouts”
Additional Information In the flyer below:

Donation made to the Post

Rosie the Riveter’s
At our March membership meeting we had the pleasure of welcoming Maggie Morris and Alison Beatty, two members of the Yankee museum’s Tribute Rosie team. They were also here to observe the parade route for the upcoming Memorial Day Parade where they will be performing. In the bottom photo they are joined by two of our WWII veterans, Frank Quinlan and Lewis Bradbury.

A great night at March’s VFW Post 9914 social night
At our March membership meeting we had the pleasure of welcoming Maggie Morris and Alison Beatty, two members of the Yankee museum’s Tribute Rosie team. They were also here to observe the parade route for the upcoming Memorial Day Parade where they will be performing. In the bottom photo they are joined by two of our WWII veterans, Frank Quinlan and Lewis Bradbury.

Banquet Video
The Passing of Doug Raupp
Doug Raupp
Doug served in the United States Marine Corps and was an active member of our Post. In fact, he attended our last meeting. He was out of town visiting his grandchildren when he passed away.
Visitation will be at Elton-Black Funeral Home in Highland MI this Sunday from 2 until 8. Services will be held on Monday at 11 with Military Honors to follow.