Executive Committee Officers 2024-2025

Executive Committee (16) TOTAL, ELECTED = (11), APPOINTED = (5) | Name |
Commander & EC | Dave Fredericksen |
1st Vice Commander & EC | Bob Szymanski |
2nd Vice Commander | Warren Johnson |
3rd Vice Commander & EC | Paul Clover |
Finance | Dave Moore |
Adjutant & EC | Paul Clover |
Judge Advocate | Larry Begin |
Provost Marshall | Robert Matheson |
Trustee-1 | Jack Weber |
Trustee-2 | Dave Sisson |
Trustee-3 | John Robinson |
Chaplain | Jerry Mantela |
Public Relations | Bill Brown |
Service Officer | David Wagner |
Historian | Larry Shaver |
Membership | Ray Stacherski |
Non Members Supporting the Post
VFW Post 9914 - Club Facilities
Bakers of Milford - Banquet Facilities
John Schmitt - Post Photographer