Know a Veteran in Crisis? Help is available almost EVERYWHERE!

We all hear the stories of veteran and active duty member suicides, a horrendous loss.  Many ask "What can we do?".  The PACT ACT provides an answer.

 What is the COMPACT Act for VA? Under the COMPACT Act, VA will provide, pay for, or reimburse for treatment of eligible Veterans' emergency suicide care, transportation costs, and follow-up care at any VA or community health care center for up to 30 days of inpatient care and 90 days of outpatient care.
Want more information?  Air Force Veteran Ed Ruckle has created to keep you informed of the latest information to help you help other veterans.  Below is a short video (one of over 450 videos he has created) telling you about the COMPACT ACT.
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Knowledge is strength.  We can help.
Henry Storm

Have you registered for this EARNED VA Benefit?

Registering for VA Healthcare, 1010EZ, here is the Video

Myths stopping you from VA Healthcare

Ignorance IS NOT bliss!

Registered for YOUR VA Healthcare?  Here is a video describing another benefit that is a part of this EARNED benefit.

NEW … Emergency Medical Care as of January 17 2023 now covered by the VA

What is a Veteran Center?

Vet Centers, part of the Veterans Health Administration, offers services for veterans, servicemembers and Guards/Reservists who experienced certain traumas.

“If you meet one of our eligibility criteria you can come into a vet center now and for the rest of your life,” explained Fisher, who deployed to Iraq in 2005. “Our eligibility criteria are really centered to serving in dangerous places or experiencing certain types of trauma, whether that is a combat zone or area of hostility.”

Vet Centers specialize in treating the mental wounds of trauma, but also offer other services like marriage or bereavement counseling.

“Our goal is to be that one-stop shop for all of your readjustment needs,” he explained. “We do it as a spectrum of services. One side of the spectrum is, ‘Now what do I do that I am not in a combat zone? Do I stay in the military? Do I get out? Do I use my benefits?’ All the way to the other side of the spectrum, which is, ‘I’m thinking of hurting myself or somebody else.’ Or ‘I’ve experienced significant war trauma or military sexual trauma.’”

Overall, there are 300 Vet Centers across the nation and U.S. territories. Fisher says they are currently working toward expanding the number, including satellite locations and mobile stations. It’s part of an overall effort to reduce barriers to care.

“We send out staff to provide services in (outlying) communities,” he said, noting mobile centers are often dispatched. “It could be borrowing space from a local American Legion location where we have a confidential counseling space where we provide services for that community.”

What type of hearing aids does the VA provide to qualified Veterans?

SITREP video